Pivoting for 2023

I originally created this site as a tool to share when I received the same question multiple times from different people. Instead of retyping a text or spending time on the phone, I would just send a link to a post.

Most of the information I provide is cookie cutter and readily available on Google, and increasingly on other channels in short form formats such as Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube to name a few. There are also several intelligent financial educators out there in the ether who’ve reached financial independence and have been singing it’s praises with their newfound freedom. I’ve noticed however, most have bequeathed after the fact that they’ve reached financial independence and provide little, if any, of their trials and tribulations of their journey.

Henceforth, thou shall pivot this site, to a thinly veiled roman à clef, documenting the journey of from debt payoff to financial independence. I hope this new format will provide you value distinct from what’s currently out there and the coming onslaught of AI.


How-to Prepare for a Recession


Your House is Not an Investment